Systems in a Week 
My Calm & Confident CEO process is the foundation I teach to all my clients.  This challenge goes through 1 step each day to create simple systems. It also includes a Notion workbook with videos, questions, and plenty of space to work through your systems. 

The challenge kickoff video walks you through the Notion workbook and how you can access your materials through Thrivecart, Notion, or in your daily email. 

Step 1: Audit (Monday): The first step is to audit all your current business tech, processes, systems, organization, and automation.

Step 2: Structure (Tuesday): After reviewing the audit results, you’ll create a mind map to get everything out of your head. 

Step 3: Customize(Wednesday): This is the fun part! We'll look at what makes you uniquely you and customize your systems to fit you.

Step 4: Set up (Thursday): Now, it’s time to create your set up plan and implement it.

Step 5: Maintain (Friday): You’ll learn some tips for maintaining your new system and how to make the transition from the old to the new.  

The next steps section ask you to reflect on the process, look at your next steps, and celebrate your progress.


A challenge kickoff with all the details you'll need to kick ass at this systems thing

Each day: 1 training video (10-20 mins) and a worksheet with your action steps will arrive in your inbox and in Thrivecart for easy access 

The 5 step process to create any system in your business

Drop your questions in the Systems on Tap Facebook group or go live to share your wins 

A Notion workbook with daily worksheets breaking everything down into itty bitty steps


The live challenge got such great results, I made it evergreen. The challenge starts whenever you sign up. Save the emails and you can come back to the challenge if life gets in the way and you need to come back later.

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Systems in a Week Challenge$0

If you've been to any of my trainings, you know my passion is to help you use strategies that allow you to do more of what you love while running a sustainable, thriving business.


“Brittany was heaven sent to me. I was struggling with so many aspects of computer literacy and setting up smart systems. I was getting things done but it was taking me hours longer then it should have which resulted in less time serving clients. I remember thinking "there is hope for me yet!" I now have a desperately needed support person! Brittany was so patient with me, taught me in terms I could understand and was always focused on my goal to serve my clients better. I am now less afraid to try things. If it doesn't work, I'll live! I will continue to work with her in the future and I have already started referring others to her. ”

― Karrie Mosher
Financial Coach

“You are the most amazing systems and processes expert I have met. You spend the time to teach us entrepreneurs what we need to know. I have met several people in your industry and I always have to ask what that means, but with you I don't have to ask, your giving it to me before I know I need it. I don’t know how I found you but I am grateful!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!
―Eben Bowden
Kickass Coach

“I was disorganized with To-do lists all over the place - on my computer, phone, notes, spreadsheets, paper. Brittany helped me stop and think through how things should be organized. She introduced tools to get me organized and encouraged me through the organization process! I feel more confident that I'm not missing any important things for my business! ”
― Rachel Keck
Leadership Consultant & Author
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